Tuesday 31 May 2011


Finally, nearly a year after I actually finished the quilt, I have got round to photographing it with a good camera instead of the BlackBerry which is not much of a camera. So here are the final pictures of the finished quilt.

Corner showing name and date (June 2010) and some of the labels from the ties I used

More labels from ties or shirts

Monday 9 February 2009

Border continued

I finished the 2nd edge yesterday and decided on the colours for the 3rd side -not easy as Icould do with a couple more dark blues but I think I have got it sorted. I may need a few more new plain colours for the final side though wich wil be blues merging to greeen/grey for the plain half-stars. I think I will have just about enough black silk (having thought I had bought too much) but still need to do quite a few more plain black diamonds and half diamonds -tedious but fairly quick. I MAY just finish it by Easter if I cary on doing some most evenings at the expense of reading or doing anything else. Another 'snow day' off work would help! Half term is approaching but I will spend most of the days decorating the former bathroom - the last room of the house to do - it has not been done since we moved here! THen no more decorating for ages - have done Beth's room 4 times now!

Thursday 22 January 2009

The Border

After months of inactivity I have finally started on the border. It took ages to decide how to do this; in the end I think I changed my mind several times but eventually I workedout the size it needed to finish up and as it needed to be a little biger all round I decided to finish it by adding a border of plain half-stars then a border of plain black to finish. I have now nearly finished one side so I MAY even get it finished by this Easter! It does mean I have to keen the whole quilt out though! Will post a photo as soon as one side is finished

Wednesday 23 July 2008

The Final Corner

A very slow few months but I have finally completed the 'Blue Corner' and have just started to stitch it in place, so shortly I will be able to think about the border.

Saturday 5 April 2008

Thursday 3 April 2008

The Green Corner

This is the penultimate section - the top left hand corner which is various shades of green. This should be stiched into place by Friday 4th April. Then all that will be left to do is the bottom 'Blue' corner and then the border. I have had several ideas aboutt his and may change my mind about it agian. I will see when all the rest is completed and I can see how big it is and how much border will be needed to make it the right size. The Blue corner should take another month or less but the border could take a while as I possibly will have to do some more diamonds. And Easter 2008 has come and gone (but it was early) but I am at least in the final stages even if I haven't finished as I had hoped.

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Top right corner

This is the top right corner - pinks moving up to dark red in the top corner, sewn in place 3rd February. Next task will be to do some more blacks and the extra blue and green stars I need.